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PMR study on host countries' perspectives on the voluntary carbon market

Country Perspectives: Opportunities and Challenges for International Voluntary Carbon Markets in the context of the Paris Agreement

This study seeks to understand perspectives of potential host countries on the role international voluntary carbon markets might play in the context of their NDCs and the Paris Agreement.

Carbon Mechanisms Review 03-2021: Ensuring long-term ambition

Paris-proofing of baseline setting as a means for alignment with the Paris Agreement’s long-term objectives


Pathways of (inter) Regional Collaboration towards a joint Implementation of Art. 6

The objective of this study is to gather information on existing carbon clubs and bilateral agreements at the international level in order to prepare a proposal for a definition applicable to the Latin American region.

Taking the Host Country Perspective

Aligning carbon market activities with climate finance and unilateral mitigation

This policy paper focuses on carbon crediting and climate finance as the two main external financing approaches. It discusses the main features of carbon crediting and climate finance, as well as their advantages and disadvantages from a host country perspective.

NDC Conditionality and Article 6

An Analysis of African Countries' updated NDCs

This brief study aims to provide a clearer understanding of how the conditionality of NDC goals can affect Article 6 cooperation.

Nature-Based Solutions in Carbon Markets

The use of Nature based solutions -activities for offsetting and carbon neutrality

The Foundation “Future of the Carbon Market” initiated a study on the role of carbon markets in scaling up Nature-based Solutions. The document was prepared by TREES in cooperation with Gold Standard with the aim to highlight the role that carbon markets can play in scaling the use of Nature based solutions to achieve the goals of Paris Agreement, as well as to spur further market developments including regulative requirements.

Carbon Mechanisms Review 01-2021: Aligning with Paris

Voluntary markets in transition

The issue takes up the debate on the challenges of the voluntary carbon market, which has to find new approaches to ensure that voluntary action supports real additional activities that go beyond existing host countries’ climate plans as laid down in the NDCs.

Implementing Paris cooperatively

Market mechanisms in the latest NDC submissions

The research paper examines how Parties to the Paris Agreement position themselves on market mechanisms in the latest nationally determined contributions (NDCs).

Starting Point for the Deployment of Carbon Pricing Mechanisms in Chile

Series of Booklets – Carbon Pricing Instruments: No. 1

The booklet "Starting Point for the Deployment of Carbon Pricing Mechanisms in Chile" describes the initial situation for the deployment of carbon pricing mechanisms in Chile, starting with the introduction of a green tax in 2017, which fundamentally expanded the set of tools available for environmental management. The main purpose of the green tax is to support and complement measures to reduce local air pollution and mitigate greenhouse gas emissions.

Institutional Structure of Carbon Pricing Instruments in Chile

Series of Booklets – Carbon Pricing Instruments: No. 2

The booklet "Institutional Structure of Carbon Pricing Instruments in Chile" addresses the technical and institutional challenges that the implementation of the first green taxes in Chile presented, particularly with respect to the development and implementation of a measurement, reporting and verification (MRV) system.

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Bundesministerium für Umwelt, Naturschutz und nukleare Sicherheit (BMU)


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Bundesministerium für Umwelt, Naturschutz und nukleare Sicherheit (BMU)


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Bundesministerium für Umwelt, Naturschutz und nukleare Sicherheit (BMU)
