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BMWK Activities

The Paris Agreement provides a much-needed long-term perspective for the global carbon market. Nonetheless, some of the rules for using the new mechanisms have yet to be finalised and practical experience in their application has still to be gained.

The Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK) is thus working to push these developments and to ensure that progress is made in the international climate negotiations. BMWK also promotes the further development and design of the mechanisms by commissioning corresponding research and also invests in practical testing of innovative approaches in the form of pilot projects.

This covers, inter alia, work on design options for Art. 6.4 in general, on upscaled crediting under Article 6, or ensuring a robust and environmentally sound CORSIA Offsetting Mechanism for use in International Aviation. As regards Carbon Market innovations, BMWK supports the linkage of market mechanisms and climate finance, especially in Africa, which has been underrepresented in the global Carbon Market so far.

Further activities in this field comprise auctioning approaches to ensure continuation of mitigation activities, support for driving the transformation of the nitric acid sector, or piloting transformative carbon finance. Initiatives to promote carbon pricing through capacity development and information exchange round off BMWK’s portfolio of Carbon Market-related activities.

In this section, the broad portfolio of different BMWK activities is presented.

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Enabling National Ownership in a High-Integrity Global Carbon Market

In recent times, there has been an emergence of new regulations or frameworks governing carbon market activities in multiple jurisdictions.…

Role of BMWK: BMWK-financed

Lifecycle: 2023 - 2025

Implementation: The Gold Standard Foundation

Other Organisations Involved: n/a

Further InformationGold Standard Website

Implementing ambitious voluntary action under the Paris Agreement

There has never before been as much corporate interest to invest in climate mitigation as we see today, both within and beyond companies’ value…

Role of BMU: BMWK-financed

Lifecycle: 2022 - 2023

Implementation: The Gold Standard Foundation

Other Organisations Involved: Perspectives Climate Group GmbH, adelphi consult GmbH, AGS Carbon Advisory

Further InformationGold Standard Website



Groundwork for the Establishment of a Label for Domestic Compensation of Greenhouse Gases

The market for voluntary offsetting of greenhouse gas emissions in Germany is growing rapidly. More and more organizations, in particular companies,…

Role of BMWK: BMWK-financed

Lifecycle: 2022 - 2024

Implementation: Adelphi research, Wuppertal Institute

Other Organisations Involved: -

Further Information:


Contact: Nicolas Kreibich,  

Supporting Preparedness for Article 6 Cooperation (SPAR6C)

Many developing and emerging economies are interested in participating in voluntary cooperation as permitted under Article 6 of the Paris Agreement.…

Role of BMWK: Funding through International Climate Initiative (IKI)

Lifecycle: 2022-2027

Implementation: Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI)

Other Organisations Involved: UNEP-Copenhagen Climate Center (UNEPCCC), Carbon Limits, GFA Consulting GmbH, Kommunalkredit Public Consulting (KPC)

Contact: Marshall Brown,

Cooling Program for Southern Africa (CooPSA)

The programme will develop an implementation-ready support programme that prepares for the introduction of Green ACs in Botswana, Eswatini, Namibia…

Role of BMWK: BMWK-financed

Lifecycle: 2021 – 2022

Implementation: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, GFA Consulting Group 

Other Organisations involved: Ministries of Environment (Climate and Ozone units), Ministries of Energy, refrigeration sector


Contakt: Philipp Denzinger, and Joachim Schnurr,

Implementation and Further Development of Mechanisms of the Carbon Market by the "Coordinating Committee on Market Mechanisms and Art. 6"

Background and Objective

With the adoption of the Paris Agreement and the market mechanisms enshrined in Article 6, the international community faces…

Role of BMWK: BMWK-financed

Lifecycle: 2021 – 2026

Implementation: Wuppertal Institute for Climate Environment and Energy

More Information:


International Market-Based Approaches for Raising Climate Ambition

In this project, the project team is investigating the conditions under which Germany can make targeted use of cooperative approaches. In addition, a…

Role of BMWK: Research funding

Lifecycle: 2021-2023

Implementation: Wuppertal Institute for Climate Environment and Energy 

Other Participants: GFA Consulting Group GmbH

Contact: Nicolas Kreibich,

Urban market approaches under Article 6 of the Paris Agreement – Recommendations for practical implementation

The project focuses on conceptualising an innovative framework for potential urban Article 6 projects in two African cities: Addis Ababa (Ethiopia)…

Role of the BMWK: Research funding

Lifecycle: April 2021 – April 2022

Implementation: Perspectives Climate Group and ICLEI

Contact: Sonja Butzengeiger,

Climate and Ozone Protection Alliance for ODS and HFC Banks Management (COPA)

GIZ’s COPA project aims to position the correct disposal of old refrigerators and air conditioning units in the international arena as a…

Role of BMWK: BMWK-financed

Project period: 2021 – 2024

Implementation: Deutsche Gesellschaft für internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH

Other Organisations Involved: Ministries, refrigeration sector, operators of ODS/HFC destruction facilities, UNIDO, UNDP

Further Information:  Climate and Ozone Protection Alliance - COPA (


Contact: Ellen Michel,

Incentives to promote paludiculture in implementing Germany’s 2030 and 2050 climate goals

The Institute of Sustainable Development of Landscapes of the Earth (DUENE) is conducting a research project to identify incentives to promote…

Role of BMWK: Research funding

Lifecycle: 2019-2021

Implementation: Institute of Sustainable Development of Landscapes of the Earth (DUENE)


Contact: Dr. Friederike Erxleben,

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Bundesministerium für Umwelt, Naturschutz und nukleare Sicherheit (BMU)
