Series of Booklets – Carbon Pricing Instruments: No. 3
The booklet "Creation and Implementation of a Measurement, Reporting and Verification (MRV) System" deals with the design and implementation of a measurement, reporting and verification (MRV) system. Such a mandatory reporting platform was implemented as part of Chile's first eco-taxes in 2017.
The Carbon Pricing Instrument Booklet Series explains key aspects of the design, implementation, and development of carbon pricing instruments in Chile. They were developed as part of the Global Carbon Market project in Chile, which is helping the national government develop carbon pricing instruments and explore financing mechanisms for climate action.
The English version is available for download on this page. A Spanish version can be accessed here.
Links to further booklets of the series:
Series of Booklets Part 1: Starting Point for the Deployment of Carbon Pricing Mechanisms in Chile
Series of Booklets Part 2: Institutional Structure of Carbon Pricing Instruments in Chile
Series of Booklets Part 4: Capacity Building and Strengthening (public and private sector)
Series of Booklets Part 5: Options for a mix of Carbon Pricing Mechanisms in Chile
March 2021
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