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Carbon Mechanisms Review 03-2021: Ensuring long-term ambition

Paris-proofing of baseline setting as a means for alignment with the Paris Agreement’s long-term objectives


Carbon Mechanisms Review 04-2020: Managing the Interim

Carbon markets between delayed negotiations and piloting momentum

The new issue of the Carbon Mechanisms Review „Managing the Interim“ focuses on a number of initiatives that serve to further develop the Article 6 landscape.

Carbon Mechanisms Review 03-2020: Scaling Up

New CMR on sector-wide market-based climate action


Carbon Mechanisms Review 02-2020: The Transition Controversy

New CMR on CDM Transition and pricing in the early ITMO market

This Carbon Mechanisms Review analyses the Transition from the Clean Development Mechanism to Art. 6.

Carbon Mechanisms Review 01-2020: Business as Usual?

The recent issue of CMR analyses the implications the coronavirus pandemic might have on Art. 6 negotiations.

Carbon Mechanisms Review 04-2019: Testing the Ground

This Carbon Mechanisms Review looks at success factors for the upcoming Article 6 negotiations.

Carbon Mechanisms Review 03-2019: Ambitious Action

This CMR looks at activities blending climate finance and at carbon financing schemes, and analyses ways to attribute the mitigation outcomes.

Carbon Mechanisms Review I4C Special 2019: Accelerating Action

On the occasion of the ‚Innovate4Climate (I4C) 2019' this special issue of the Carbon Mechanisms Review asks how carbon markets can best interact with other arenas in order to foster climate friendly development.

Carbon Mechanisms Review 01-2019: Where Next for Carbon Markets?

This Carbon Mechanisms Review discusses the future of the carbon markets after the failure of the Article 6 negotiations in Katowice.

Carbon Mechanisms Review 04-2018: Time to Decide

This Carbon Mechanisms Review reflects on how to build an appropriate foundation for Article 6 in Katowice.

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Bundesministerium für Umwelt, Naturschutz und nukleare Sicherheit (BMU)


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Bundesministerium für Umwelt, Naturschutz und nukleare Sicherheit (BMU)


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Bundesministerium für Umwelt, Naturschutz und nukleare Sicherheit (BMU)
