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Analysis of the Role Carbon Markets Can Play for Global Climate Finance from Today to 2020 and Beyond

Final Report

This report summarises the main findings from the project. The detailed results are available in the second and third interim reports of the project. The project’s findings were discussed at a project workshop. The workshop documentation as well as the interim reports can be found under "Further information".

JIKO Policy Brief 01/2014

Technology Cooperation Update on the Technology Mechanism and Options for Using Carbon Markets

This Policy Brief provides a general overview on the setup of the UNFCCC’s Technology Mechanism, exploring potential synergies between the mechanism and carbon market instruments such as the CDM.

MRV Manual for CDM Programme of Activities

The MRV Manual for CDM Programme of Activities, published by the KfW PoA Support Center, is designed to help stakeholders monitor, report on and verify CDM PoAs. The manual describes a series of potential pitfalls and shows how stakeholders are able to avoid respectively defuse the pitfalls.

JIKO Policy Paper 03/2013

Quo Vadis, Africa? Update on the Uptake of the CDM in Africa

Africa and particularly African Least Developed Countries (LDCs) have traditionally lagged behind other regions as host countries of CDM project activities.

JIKO Policy Brief 03/2013

Piloting New Market Mechanisms - Overview of Support Programs and Pilot Projects

This paper gives an overview of current pilot activities relating to new market-based mitigation instruments.

JIKO Policy Paper 04/2013

Benefitting from Carbon Markets? German Participation in CDM and JI during the first Kyoto Commitment Period

The flexible mechanisms of the Kyoto Protocol, namely the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) and Joint Implementation (JI), have been very successful in generating emission reduction credits at large scale and low costs.

CDM Market Support Study

The Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) suffers from a price level for certificates that went down to almost zero in a period less than a year. Additionally, no short-term price recovery is expected which could incentivise new projects.

JIKO Policy Brief 02/2013

Update on Parties' Submissions "Various Approaches"

Parties have been discussing to establish a centralised new market-based mechanism (NMM) and to consider establishing a “framework for various approaches“ to govern decentralised market approaches.

JIKO Policy Brief 01/2013

Stabilizing Regulated Carbon Markets - Options and Ideas to Stabilize CER/ERU Prices

There is an urgent need to stabilize market prices to avoid a complete halt of the Carbon Markets. This Policy Brief summarizes the proposed options to increase demand as well as options to restrict supply.

JIKO Policy Paper 01/2013

Prerequisits for Ambitious New Market Mechanisms

New Market Mechanisms (NMM) are meant to contribute to net mitigation effects beyond offsetting. Currently, several institutions are supporting the development of pilot projects for new market mechanisms.

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Bundesministerium für Umwelt, Naturschutz und nukleare Sicherheit (BMU)
