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CDM Market Support Study

The Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) suffers from a price level for certificates that went down to almost zero in a period less than a year. Additionally, no short-term price recovery is expected which could incentivise new projects. A risk is that market participants leave the market and the valuable CDM knowledge base on GHG mitigation and quantification will be lost.

A new study analyses the actual price vulnerability of CDM projects and identifies various financing and project type opportunities for project developers and for (institutional public) investors who intend to support the CDM project continuation and the further development of the CDM framework. The study also shows how the current regulatory framework of the CDM can be maintained by transferring it to future mechanisms. The CDM can provide useful components to currently discussed or tested instruments such as the NMM, the FVA, NAMAs or results-based financing approaches.

This study was conducted by Ecofys and Climatekos on behalf of KfW’s PoA Support Centre.

Date: July 2013

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Bundesministerium für Umwelt, Naturschutz und nukleare Sicherheit (BMU)
