June 2020 - The Eastern Africa Alliance on Carbon Markets and Climate Finance held their first online Members Meeting to discuss and adopt a number of framework documents crucial for taking further steps to operationalize the Alliance. Furthermore, the new Chair of the Alliance Members Meeting, Dr. Anne Omambia (Alliance National Focal Point in Kenya), was announced. She welcomed the adoption of the rules of procedures, the communication strategy as well as the alliance workplan, from member countries, Ethiopia, Burundi, Rwanda, and Uganda.
The work plan was developed based on the member’s needs and will guide the activities implemented under the Alliance. Some upcoming activities as defined in the work plan are the following:
- Regional Private Sector Online Workshop on Carbon Markets and Article 6- Discussing the status quo and opportunities Article 6 bears for entities and project developers in the Eastern Africa Region
- Development of Art. 6 negotiators booklet, supporting the preparation of negotiators on Article 6 in member countries
- Due to the postponed COP26 to November 2021 the Alliance will for this year focus on preparing members for the negotiation’s rounds taking place in Bonn during the SBs in October and will conduct a regional Pre-SB online negotiators training on Article 6
- The Alliance will also conduct a regional assessment on required institutional and legal setups necessary for implementing Article 6 in each Alliance member country.