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Accelerating Action

CMR Innovate4Climate Special 2019

May 2019 – On the occasion of the ‚Innovate4Climate (I4C) 2019 – global dialogue on climate finance, climate investment, and climate markets', this special issue of the Carbon Mechanisms Review (CMR) asks how carbon markets can best interact with other arenas in order to foster climate friendly development. The first contribution therefore looks at the Asia-Pacific region and analyses how market-based interventions under Article 6 of the Paris Agreement can enhance international cooperation in terms of reducing emissions and deepening climate ambition in the region. This is complemented by an introduction of the CI-ACA initiative, which aims at broadening the uptake of carbon pricing approaches worldwide.

The latest CMR also presents two articles on upscaling, the first on lessons learnt from the programmatic approaches of CDM and JI for future market-based activities and the second on a regional carbon finance instrument to promote the uptake of renewable energy in southern Africa. Finally, the issue widens the perspective, taking a look at the interplay between the Paris Agreement and the Montreal Protocol and exploring how the Kigali Amendment can foster the linkages between the two.

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