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I4C Webinar on the Opportunities and Challenges of Article 6 in Africa

Source: I4C Website

Source: I4C Website

Article 6 of the Paris Agreement allows Parties to the Paris Agreement to cooperate on a voluntary basis in implementing their Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs). However, Parties have not yet been able to agree on a rule book for Article 6 that defines the modalities of such types of cooperation. In the absence of guiding rules on Article 6, pilot and readiness activities become paramount for developing an attractive and credible international post-2020 carbon market that includes participation of the African continent.

Through this event the West and the Eastern African Alliance for Carbon Markets and Climate Finance together with their member countries wish to share experiences and lessons learned through participating in Article 6 pilot activities, particularly in terms of opportunities and challenges. The event will also focus on the perspective of host countries, reflecting, inter alia, on the regulatory requirements for host countries, the role of the private sector and the engagement in Article 6 tenders.


Further Information and registration: Innovate4Climate Website

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