The event will launch the Article 6 capacity building and pilot trading program 'Supporting Preparedness for Article 6 Cooperation' (SPAR6C): For High Ambition NDC Implementation' that the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action is funding with EUR 20M under the International Climate Initiative of Germany from April 2022 to June 2027.
The session will give an overview of the program, showing how participating countries are expected to benefit from the activities. Results of a market survey conducted by GGGI regarding current readiness and needs regarding Article 6 will be shared and then two focus areas of the SPAR6C that might help to address these needs where there will be wider public access to outputs; the project published reports and the High Ambition Community of Practice will be explained in greater depth. Implementation country government representatives will then be called upon to reflect on the survey findings and the SPAR6C activities, explaining relevance with respect to their national circumstances and needs.
Registration: here