COP 26 Side Event - German Pavilion stream
Robust and ambitious rules for the cooperative mechanisms of the Paris Agreement’s Art. 6 are one important stepping stone to raise global ambition beyond existing NDC commitments and towards a 1.5 degree path. Then Art. 6 can become an instrument to channel funds and investments into additional action in developing countries, benefiting local communities and host country economy. Country and private sector stakeholders are waiting for transparent and robust rules to enhance ambition via Art. 6. The panel will pinpoint the opportunities for carbon market cooperation that ambitious and robust rules for Art. 6 will create if and when they are agreed here in Glasgow.
10:30-11:10 CET (09:30-10:10 GMT)
Business interest in a UNFCCC-guided market mechanism
- BMW - Daniela Feuchtmayr, Senior Manager BMW Group Corporate Sustainability Strategy
- Nestlé - Esteban Mezzano, Global Legal team (tbc)
- BP - Jeff Swartz, Director, Climate Strategy & Sustainability
- Siemens - Jenny Bofinger-Schuster, Senior Vice President for Siemens Sustainability and Operational Excellence (tbc)
- Atmosfair - Dr. Dietrich Brockhagen, Executive Director atmosfair gGmbH
11:15-12:00 CET (10:15-11:00 GMT)
High Level Segment
- Germany - Buying for compensation and investing in capacity building – State Secretary Flasbarth, Ministry for the Environment (BMU)
- Switzerland - Franz Xaver Perrez, Head of International Affairs Division,
Federal Office for the Environment (FOEN) (tbc) - Conclusions by State Secretary Flasbarth
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