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Border Carbon Adjustment in the EU– Launch of Report on Exports in CBAM

Since 2019, ERCST (European Roundtable on Climate Change and Sustainable Transition) has gained solid experience on BCAs and carbon leakage in the EU context. The ERCST team has followed the CBAM dossier since the earliest stages of the legislative process, providing analytical input to the discussion on BCAs and fostering informed debate with national and international stakeholders.

This event of the ERCST team will present its report on one of the "sticking points" in the EU CBAM: Exports. Exports are not currently included in the Commission's CBAM proposal due to significant legal uncertainty regarding alignment with WTO rules. However, there are concerns that excluding exports will open an export-driven channel for carbon leakage and thus harm EU competitiveness and climate goals.

The ERCST team will present its analysis and discuss the results with those present to contribute to a better understanding of the importance of considering exports in the CBAM.

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Bundesministerium für Umwelt, Naturschutz und nukleare Sicherheit (BMU)
