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Image: Green cooling initiative

On 21 July 2022, around 160 participants, representing different countries and organizations, took part in the virtual COPA soft launch. After weeks…

Photo by nikomsolftwaer/

The programme will develop an implementation-ready support programme that prepares for the introduction of Green ACs in Botswana, Eswatini, Namibia…

Photo: xijian / iStock / Getty Images Plus

The latest issue of the Carbon Mechanisms Review looks at ways forward for the voluntary carbon market after Glasgow

Photo by Sua Truong on Unsplash

The project aims to enhance readiness of Colombia, Pakistan, Thailand and Zambia to participate in the international carbon market under Article 6 of…

Photo: Patrick Munyaneza

Photo: Patrick Munyaneza

Carbon Pricing Trainings were held on the 20th to 22nd April in Grenada and the 25th to 27th April in Saint Lucia.

Image: Unsplash (Christian Lue)

June 2022 – At an online networking meeting on 9 June 2022, more than 80 participants discussed the role of climate finance in the implementation of…

Photo: GIZ

Private sector workshop by EAA and Global Carbon Markets project

Photo by Patricia Zumsteg on Unsplash

The role of forests in market-based climate change mitigation has been a contentious issue for more than a decade. While considerable progress on the…

UNFCCC Photo Contest / Karlsen

In the Paris Climate Agreement, Parties agreed on the ambitious goal of limiting the increase in the global average temperature to well below 2°C, and…

Photo by GIZ Chile

The Chilean component of the Global Carbon Market project was implemented from 2016 until the end of 2021.

Background and Objective

At the beginning…

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Bundesministerium für Umwelt, Naturschutz und nukleare Sicherheit (BMU)
