October 2020 – The governments of Peru and Switzerland have signed an agreement on the planned cooperative implementation of mitigation activities under Article 6 of the Paris Agreement. It is the first such agreement worldwide, and thus sets a standard for ensuring environmental integrity of international transfers of mitigation outcomes. As part of their cooperation, Peru and Switzerland commit to employ robust methods to prevent double counting of the emission reductions achieved. The bilateral agreement also defines a clear framework for the international transfer of mitigation outcomes and the recognition thereof by Peru and Switzerland.
As a signatory to the Paris Agreement, Switzerland has committed itself to reducing its greenhouse gas emissions by at least 50 percent by 2030 compared to 1990 levels. Up to 12.5 percent of its emissions are to be reduced by financing climate change mitigation projects abroad. In order to identify suitable opportunities for the application of Article 6, the Climate Cent Foundation was commissioned to promote Article 6 pilot activities.
The agreement now signed is a first tangible result of this commitment. The Climate Cent Foundation, which participated in the negotiation of the bilateral agreement as part of the Swiss delegation, has been supporting the “Tuki Wasi” programme in Peru since 2018 as pilot activity. The program assists households in remote areas to purchase energy-efficient cooking stoves. This reduces deforestation while also sequestering CO2 from the atmosphere thanks to the increase in biomass. The “Tuki Wasi” programme is now to be authorised as the initial climate protection programme under the new bilateral agreement.
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