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JIKO Policy Paper 01/2018

Additionality après Paris. Stronghold for Environmental Integrity?

This JIKO Policy Paper reviews the concept of additionality in the context of the Paris Agreement. Additionality is a key criterion that helps to maintain the environmental integrity of the Paris Agreement, especially when units created under Article 6.2 or 6.4 are used for offsetting purposes whether that is by Parties in order to meet their NDCs or whether by other entities with legal mitigation obligations.

It does so by first reviewing key concepts such as offsetting, environmental integrity, and baseline. Subsequently, it explores the context of additionality under the Paris Agreement. More specifically it discusses what should be counted as the baseline for additionality demonstration. The subsequent chapter then highlights the challenges with establishing additionality, that is establishing a causal relationship between a policy intervention and a proposed activity. Finally, the Policy Paper discusses aspects of international governance with respect to additionality.

Hermwille, L., Obergassel, W.: Additionality après Paris. Stronghold for Environmental Integrity? JIKO Policy Paper 01/2018. Wuppertal Institute für Climate, Environment and Energy. Wuppertal – 27 p., 2 figures. URL:

Date: January 2018

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