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Vertically integrated NAMAS for including subnational actors in national strategies

Background and Objective

Many developing countries contribute to the fight against climate change by implementing so called Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions (NAMAs). Several climate relevant sectors, such as waste management, building and construction, and transport are regulated by authorities at both province and local level. The involvement of these actors in the planning and implementation of NAMAs is of particular importance. The Vertically Integrated NAMA (v-NAMA) programme was aimed at developing a practicable approach for use in integrating different levels of government into the NAMA design and implementation process.


The governments of Indonesia and South Africa have both decided to test the v-NAMA approach in practice as part of their national climate protection strategy. While Indonesia focuses on developing a v-NAMA for the management and disposal of municipal residual waste, South Africa concentrates on energy efficiency in public buildings.

Both countries have first installed national management organizations with representatives of the relevant ministries and sub-national stakeholders. Subsequently, the greatest obstacles to implementation were identified and the reduction potential was estimated. Based on a concept paper and a consultation process, the v-NAMA components were developed, consisting of baseline, business-as-usual scenarios, mitigation options, reduction costs, positive side effects (co-benefits), risk assessment, incentives, action plan, capacity building plans and MRV system. Parallel to this, implementation and financing approaches were developed, which also include national and international resources. These steps were enhanced and underpinned with a second package of measures aimed at developing and disseminating v-NAMA guidelines. The project team developed these guidelines using the experience gained with the pilot activities.

Results and Outlook     

With support from the project team and in close collaboration with five pilot municipalities and their respective provinces, the Indonesian government developed a NAMA proposal for the waste management sector. The vertically integrated NAMA (VIMSWA-NAMA) was integrated into the national NAMA portfolio and presented to international investors. In South Africa, the national government and eight municipalities developed the Energy Efficiency in Public Buildings Programme V-NAMA (EEPBP) which since 2016 has received funding from the NAMA facility to conduct a NAMA support project.

The experiences gained with the pilot activities in South Africa and Indonesia were compiled and combined with insights from other vertically integrated climate action measures in Columbia, Mexico, Tunisia and Japan. A synthesis report containing experience-based guidelines and recommendations was distributed in print form, online and at numerous international sectoral-level and climate-specific meetings of experts.

Vertically integrated NAMAS for including subnational actors in national strategies

Countries: Indonesia, South Africa

Role of BMU: BMU-financed

Lifecycle: 2012 - 2015

Implementation: Deutsche Gesellschaft für internationale Zusammearbeit (GIZ)

Other Organisations Involved: South Africa: Department of Environmental Affairs (DEA), Indonesia: National Development Planning Agency (BAPPENAS)

Contact: Axel Olearius,

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Bundesministerium für Umwelt, Naturschutz und nukleare Sicherheit (BMU)


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Bundesministerium für Umwelt, Naturschutz und nukleare Sicherheit (BMU)
