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KliK Webinar on Corresponding adjustment and overselling

The analysis of possible im­pli­ca­tions of Art. 6, and the assessment of the im­pli­ca­tions’ imp­li­ca­tions, keeps hundreds of consul­tants, nego­tiators and government staff busy and fills thousands of report pages. Now that the issue of “corre­sponding adjust­ments” has been clarified, the issue of “overselling” – i.e. “selling off the silver­ware”, or selling cheap mitiga­tion options at discount prices – takes over as a key topic in global discus­sions on opera­tio­na­lizing Article 6. It does not seem enti­rely clear how “overselling” and “corre­sponding adjust­ments” inter­re­late, and whose concern this should be.

This webinar aims to provide a state-of-the-art presen­ta­tion of the topic by distin­gu­ished experts and will focus on concrete cases and practical conside­ra­tions.

Further Information: KliK Foundation

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