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Successful SPAR6C Webinar: Using Article 6 with Carbon Pricing Instruments

Photo: SPAR6C

November 2024 - On November 5, 2024, SPAR6C hosted the fifth edition of its Toolbox Guide webinar series, presenting the latest insights and guidance on Guide No. 4 “Using Article 6 with Carbon Pricing Instruments - Three Key Policy Issues for Host Parties”. The webinar was aimed at stakeholders who want to operationalize Article 6 cooperation and integrate it with existing carbon pricing strategies.

Experts from the Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI), Carbon Limits, International Carbon Action Partnership (ICAP) and the World Bank Partnership for Market Implementation (PMI) shared practical insights and advice for host countries operating within the Article 6 framework. Among other things, they discussed how to use governmental crediting mechanisms effectively, and define the scope of cooperation in relation to national or subnational carbon pricing instruments. The most important recommendations are summarized below:


  • Evaluate Use of Different Mechanisms:

Policymakers should assess which carbon pricing instruments are best to achieve their mitigation goals. This could include utilizing a governmental crediting mechanism for Article 6 transactions.


  • Align Article 6 Cooperation with Carbon Pricing:

To use Article 6 with other instruments, governments must define how Article 6 activities align with existing carbon pricing policies and focus cooperation on sectors outside the current or envisioned pricing system.


  • Seek support for Strategic Decision Making:

Planning for and designing carbon pricing instruments of different types is a complex task that requires long-term economic and emissions planning. International support can be provided to countries seeking to maximize the efficiency and impact of their carbon pricing instruments.


For a recording of the webinar see below.

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