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Aligning with Paris – New Carbon Mechanisms Review

Photo by Franz Metelec

April 2021 - The latest issue of the Carbon Mechanisms Review (CMR) takes up the debate on the challenges of the voluntary carbon market, which has to find new approaches to ensure that voluntary action supports real additional activities that go beyond existing host countries’ climate plans as laid down in the NDCs.

The issue covers an article on the position of the German Environment Ministry regarding the voluntary market,  and features an interview with the Gold Standard on their answers and their approach to the new challenges.

Further articles analyse the recent NDC updates and countries’ attitudes towards the use of market mechanisms for their NDC achievement. Another contribution develops options for regulating the transition of both CDM activities and CERs into the Paris Agreement world.

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Bundesministerium für Umwelt, Naturschutz und nukleare Sicherheit (BMU)
